Time is running out if you haven’t yet complied with the structural retrofit of your building. Delays are inevitable, and you should expect to receive notifications from the City of Los Angeles to comply with the seismic ordinance. Failure to comply may result in fines and penalties.

So, what should you do if you’re in this situation?

If you have engineering plans and have complied with that part of the ordinance but have not started construction, the time to begin is now. However, retrofit cost efficiency still needs to be considered as it was not a priority in many cases.

You have a few choices:

  1. Find a contractor who can provide you with a package price for both engineering and retrofitting.
  2. Find a contractor who is willing to use your current construction plans and provide you with a certificate of compliance (COC) from the City of Los Angeles.
  3. Find a contractor or engineer who can assume responsibility for the old plans in case the old engineer is unavailable. Then, you can proceed with the new engineer of record to perform the retrofit and comply.

If you need further information or assistance, Safe Living Inc. is available to help.