Welcome to our Balcony and Deck Inspection Landing Page!

We are committed to ensuring the safety of residents in California through our comprehensive inspections of exterior balconies, stairs, and decks in accordance with the California EEE SB 326 & 721.

Our team of experienced inspectors are trained to identify potential hazards and structural issues that can compromise the safety of your tenants and the structural integrity of your building. We understand that a external balcony stairs or deck are an important part of your property, and we want to ensure that it remains safe and sound for years of use.

Why is Balcony Stair and Deck Inspection important?

Balconies and decks are exposed to various weather conditions, and over time, they can weaken and become dangerous. It is important to have regular inspections to identify any signs of damage or deterioration that could lead to potential accidents.

Additionally, California EEE SB 326 & 721 mandates that all multi-family residential buildings with three or more units must have a mandatory inspection of all Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE), including balconies, decks, stairways, and walkways, every six
years. This is to ensure that all residents are protected from potential hazards.

Our Inspection Process

Our inspection process is thorough and includes a visual assessment of your balcony or deck. We will check for signs of deterioration, damage, and water infiltration. We will also look for signs of inadequate or missing flashing, proper connection to the building, proper slope and drainage, and other safety features.

We will provide you with a comprehensive report outlining our findings, including any recommended repairs or maintenance needed to keep your balcony or deck safe for use. Our goal is to give you peace of mind, knowing that your balcony or deck is safe and secure.

It is imperative to address dry rot as soon as it is detected. If left unchecked, dry rot can spread rapidly, causing extensive damage to a building’s structural components, which can result in costly repairs and potentially compromise the safety of the building.

Building owners with balconies should be cautious about deferring maintenance tasks in order to avoid dry rot. Dry rot is a type of wood decay caused by fungi that thrive in damp and poorly ventilated areas. Balconies are particularly susceptible to dry rot due to their exposure to the elements and potential for water infiltration. Some common signs of dry rot include cracked or peeling paint, a musty odor, and discoloration of wood. To prevent dry rot, building owners should ensure that their balconies are properly ventilated, regularly inspected for signs of damage, and promptly repaired as needed. They should also consider using water-resistant building materials and coatings, and avoid leaving standing water on the balcony surface. By prioritizing regular maintenance and proactive measures, building owners can help prevent the costly and potentially hazardous effects of dry rot in their balconies.

Rules And Regulations For Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE)

In accordance with Senate Bill 721, multi- dwelling buildings in California with three or more units must now undergo inspections of their exterior elevated elements. These inspections include balconies, related waterproofing components such as decks, porches, entries with walkways, and stairways over six feet from the ground. The purpose of these inspections is to prevent tragedies such as the balcony collapse in Berkeley, which was caused by dry rot from rainwater that leaked through the building’s seal and weakened the balcony’s wood framing.

The inspections required by SB-721 must be conducted by licensed civil engineers, architects, or general contractors with A, B, or C-5 licenses. These professionals will evaluate the current state of the exterior elevated elements, their expected performance and estimated lifespan, and provide recommendations for further inspections if necessary. A minimum of 15% of every type of exterior elevated element and all load-bearing components and associated waterproofing must undergo direct visual assessment.

Non-emergency repairs must be completed within 120 days of the inspection. Failure to complete repairs within this time limit may result in significant fines for property owners. If emergency repairs are not made within 30 days of receiving notice, daily fines may be imposed unless an extension is granted by the enforcement agency.

To comply with the law by 2025, property owners are encouraged to initiate the inspection process as soon as possible. Follow- up reports are due every six years. Early discovery of structural damage, such as dry rot or waterproofing issues, should prompt action
to prevent further deterioration. Safe Living, with its expertise in structural engineering and construction, can assist property owners in
meeting the requirements set forth by the new law.

Contact Us Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Contact us today to schedule your balcony and deck inspection. Our team of experts will ensure that your balcony or deck meets all safety requirements in accordance with the California EEE SB 326 & 721. Call us now to schedule an appointment or to get more information about our services.